Hidetoolz 2.2 3
Hidetoolz 2.2 3

Hidetoolz 2.2 3
  1. #HIDETOOLZ 2.2 3 HOW TO#
  4. #HIDETOOLZ 2.2 3 WINDOWS 7#

If you doubt, disasm the driver yourself. When I had my win7 my HideToolz works well. Hello, so I have HideToolz 2.2 but he do not work for me. Please be aware some anti-virus detections HideToolz driver as a rootkit - this is basically correct, except HideToolz contains no payload, does not access any network api, etc.


Runs very stable under Windows XP through Windows 7 (x86 only). Features include: Hide Processes Protect Processes Hide Windows Protection from Windows hooks Emulation of partent process (sets parent pid of target PID to explorer.exe). Allowing you to debug 'protected' applications easily. It does so by kernel mode driver which hooks functions such as NtQueryInformationProcess, NtSetContextThread, NtQuerySystemInformation, NtOpenProcess, NtOpenThread, etc. Fyyre - HideToolz is a configurable GUI based utilility that allows hiding of RCE tools from annoying detection (such as Themida). I have modified the device driver so HideToolz now works on Vista SP1 through Windows 7 RTM.

Hidetoolz 2.2 3

Version 2.1 did not work on Windows Vista SP1 or higher.


0 (2 votes) Author: Ms-Rem Website: Current version: 2.2 Last updated: OctoDirect D/L link: License type: Free Description: This is version 2.2 of HideToolz.


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Hidetoolz 2.2 3 Hidetoolz 2.2 3

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Hidetoolz 2.2 3