WARNING: Vega and Navi GPUs wont’ work with these drivers! Use this driver only if you have RX6800 or RX6900 GPU. – The Nvidia mining cards (P106, P104, etc.) can now use straps and hardware control options (power limit, memory overclock, max temperature, etc.) under Windows.
#Install phoenix miner windows 10 drivers#
To use these updated kernels, you need to use drivers 20.5.1 or later under Win10, or 20.10.x or later under Linux! – Updated kernels for AMD Polaris, Vega and Navi GPUs that are slightly faster and use less power than before when mining ETH. These are faster than the generic kernels and produce a lot less stale shares. – Added native kernels for AMD RX6800 and RX6900 GPUs. also get better support for tweaking under Windows Nvidia’s dedicated mining GPUs P106, P104, etc. AMD’s Polaris, Vega and Navi GPUs should also perform a bit better and use a bit less power for Ethereum mining thanks to optimized kernels – just make sure to user drivers 20.5.1 or later under Windows 10, or 20.10.x or later under Linux. The latest beta version of PhoenixMiner 5.5b might be of interest for those of you that are trying to mine with the newest AMD Radeon RX6800 and Radeon RX6900 GPUs as it adds support with native kernels giving you better performance.
#Install phoenix miner windows 10 how to#
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