Of course, there are some cool spots, Reigns powerbombing both Kofi & Neville. So despite this being a 7 man match, it's mostly just one on one's, why? I dunno, it didn't make much sense and it felt more like a lumberjack Money In The Bank match than 7 men going for it.

#Randy orton theme song 2015 how to
But eh, when does WWE have pacing and know how to pan something out? Anyway, in this match are: Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Neville, Sheamus, Kane (for no reason), Dolph Ziggler & Roman "Smarks Favorite" Reigns. Odd that this opened the card, I don't get why the PPV named after the match would open the show. And then they played Dusty's theme and people clapped, the WWE Superstars are 4 year olds when a school jingle comes on. Summer Rae looked like she didn't give a fuck, Paige gave emotions. Opening the night was a nice tribute to Dusty, where they rung the bell 10 times. Some people, it's Money In The Bank 2015. This is what happens when you lose a bet, I apologise for anyone who has to read this, as I am now forced to review this show.